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parts of sentence and sentence types worksheet

What kind of sentence

  1. This book about the gold rush is my favorite one to read.
  2. May i please have an ice cream sundae after dinner?
  3. Do not put your hand on the stove when it is hot.
  4. Stop!the sink is starting to overflow!
  5. We won the candle selling contest!


  1. Declerative sentence.الجملة الخبرية
  2. Interrogative sentence.الجملة الإستفهامية
  3. Imparative sentence.الجملة الأمرية 
  4. Imparative  sentence.الجملة  الأمرية
  5. Exclamatory sentence.جملة التعجب

Fill in the blank with a subject or a predicate

  1.  ........................  had a dozen to each assignments to do.
  2. Anna......................................................................
  3.   ................  arrived on time to the cermony.
  4. The driver .................................
  5. The girl..............................


  1. The student.subjectفاعل
  2. Ate all of the snakes.predicateخبر
  3. The guser.subject فاعل
  4. Entered to the gate of the house.predicateخبر
  5. Go to school every day.predicateخبر

Glossary شرح للكلمات الصعبة

\/إثنا عشر/  دزينة
واجب/فرض منزلي
ماضي الفعلEAT
ورقة عمل عن أنواع الجملة وأجزائها


  1. Enjoyed and learned a lot of good information. I thank you for your presentation and looking forward to more posts in this blog . It is clear your put so much time and hard work into preparing this write up on topic Sentence Types . I really appreciate .


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